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Keeley Nova Wah LE Light Edition

Keeley Electronics

 This version of the Nova Wah is a Light Edition. It is missing the volume control and the dual inductor switch featured on the Custom Nova Wah. Those were features people didn't use much, so Keeley removed them and lowered the price by about $100. They were $350 and only available once a year! Now, $249 and a regular issue Keeley Effect!

The Keeley Electronics Nova Wah, crazy and unique, allows you to have 2 Fixed Wah Pedal sounds at your feet! Imagine having two different wah pedals you could turn and set to your favorite sound without rocking around trying to find it!

You got yer Money for Nothing sound, a Jimi Hendrix or Zappa/Trey-like fixed wah sound ready at a moments notice! Haven't you wanted that vocal or human element to your tone with a stomp of a switch? Maybe that little something extra to push your emotions during a solo? This is it folks!


  • Dual Wah Pedal Sounds
  • True Wah circuits, not op-amp based!
  • Preset 2 gorgeous tones! Don't go searching!
  • 3-way way bass-sweep switch! Mellow or Cutting, SRV, Hendrix, Clapton, all there!
  • True Bypass, Keeley Blue LED, Brand New case, first time with lettering/text and the new Keeley logo! Makes it easier to use!

WHAT isn't it?!?!? It is not an Envelope FIlter or Auto Wah, nothing automatic here folks.

It's a Fully Manual Filter, 2 Wah Tone, Blue LED for Power, Dual Red/Green LED for Wah Channel Indicator, 2-Stomp Switch NO-VA WAH!.