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Z. Vex Ringtone (Zvex) with Tap Tempo Ring Modulator Pedal for Guitar


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 The Ringtone by Z.Vex Effects is the world's first dedicated sequenced ring modulator for guitar use.

Controls: The controls are as follows: from the upper left, there is a run/step switch to select sequence/random operation or manual stepping operation, a speed control for the sequence/random mode, 8 individual carrier pitch adjustment knobs, the sequence/random stomp switch which doubles as a manual step control, and the true-bypass stomp switch on the right. Also, inside there is a trim-pot adjustment to set the mix of ring-modulated sound versus direct guitar... when shipped from the factory, this is mix is set for pure ring-modulation.

Setup: The way I've set up the Ringtone in the setup video on the zvex.com website is as follows: Set the upper left switch to "S" for step mode. Switch the bypass stomp switch to on, so that ring modulation begins. Turn the first carrier knob (with the illuminated

led) to a pitch which matches your first chord or note selection on the guitar and gives a pleasing tone. The pitch of the carrier is lower to the right, with the extreme setting resulting in tremolo-like pulsing.

Push the left stomp switch to advance to the next carrier knob and repeat the process until you have prepared all of the carrier knobs to pitches which work with your chord or note progression. For sequenced operation, set the small upper left switch to the left for Run mode, and adjust the speed knob next to it for the proper speed. The left stomp switch selects sequenced or random action in this mode.

Internal adjustment: To set the mix control as demonstrated in the first video for the Ringtone on zvex.com, begin by removing the four screws on the bottom of the unit. Set the lid aside and use a small flat-blade screwdriver or your fingernail to adjust the blue trim pot for the proper mix of guitar/ring mod. Note the original position...

this position is pure ring modulation. The other extreme setting is pure guitar.

Battery: If operation becomes intermittent, replace the dead battery with a fresh alkaline 9 volt battery. The Ringtone has special circuitry which helps drain the battery to a very low voltage before it fails, to extract as much power as possible from the battery before diminishing the quality of operation. This helps save on batteries as well as helping the environment. Be sure to recycle your batteries! 

For a .pdf version of the Ringtone instruction sheet, click HERE.