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AMT Electronics P1 Legend Amps - JFET guitar preamp

AMT Electronics

AMT Electronics P1 Legend Amps - JFET guitar preamp

Features overview

The P1 Legend Amp Series pedal was designed similar in tone to one of the most esteemed amplifiers, the 5150*. The sound of the AMT P1 is rich and full in tone, providing tube-like rock distortion. Well defined, clean, clear, cutting, crunchy distortion is what the P1's all about.

Features Overview

  • The AMT Legend Amp Series guitar pedals provide excellent dynamics, nuances, and characteristics similar to that of tube driven amplifiers.

  • Tube-like range of volume control provides great sound density, playability, and power when playing at full volume and also in conjunction with your guitars volume knob.

  • TRUE BYPASS. The preamps of the Legend Amp Series pedals use passive true bypass circuitry, therefore no loss of guitar signal is noticed in your pedal chain. Similar to if no pedal was there at all when bypassed.

  • Features high level of output signal (+10dB in extreme position of Level knob) corresponds to the output levels similar of tube preamps. Thus, you have adjustable signal level allowing to hook up your preamp AND direct input of a power amplifier.

  • Controls include LEVEL, GAIN, LOW, MID, and HIGH.

  • TWO signal outputs: DIRECT AMPLIFIER OUT for guitar amplifier use and CAB SIMULATION OUT for mixer, or studio use.

AMT Electronics Legend Amp Series, the NEW STANDARD of Heavy Guitar Tone

* Names used in this document are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way are associated or affiliated with AMT Electronics. These trademarks of other manufactures were used to identify products whose sounds were reviewed in the making of this product.