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EMMA OnoMATOpoeia OM-1 Booster/Overdrive Pedal



A unique booster/ overdrive pedal, that can be used to raise the volume of an instrument to a higher or “solo” level. Because of the addition of a gain control it also can be used to distort the original signal in the same manner as a tube amplifier when it first begins to overdrive.

Also included are a ”seesaw” tone control and a saturation knob.

The Saturation control has a unique function. Before the widespread use of distortion pedals some guitarists would remove one power tube in order to make their amplifier distort. This knob turned hard to the left mimics this same type of distortion, turned to the right the pedal amplifies as normal.


The Sounds are downloadable mp3's - Right click and save.

The Sounds are downloadable mp3's - Right click and save.


Kind of funky, Kind of quiet riff, same setting
Guitar: Strat
Pickup: DiMarzio

Right, next is a treat for you. We've recorded the excact same riff using three different settings and one with a combination of 2 pedals. This in itself is an artkiller, cause as you probably know, any guitarplayer plays with his sound, so art-wise this is an uphill battle. But you get the chance to hear the subtle changes this pedal delivers.
Clean w.o. pedal, Light Crunch, Crunchy, Crunchier,
Combo Crunch
Guitar: Rahbek CosT
Pickup: Seymour Duncan AH Bridgeposition
Amp: Koch Multitone Clean channel

All sounds are played and recorded by Palle Schultz